I will Compelet Template & the Amal Steps in 25 Minutes

M Usama Aslam
2 min readAug 21, 2020


Eat the Frog with Pomodoro Technique

In Our Course 1 we studied the Pomodoro technique and it is a beautiful time management method developed by Francesco Cirillo The technique uses a timer to break down work into intervals, traditionally 25 minutes in length, separated by short breaks.

I decided to complete my part of online course 2 named as complete templates and Amal steps in 25 minutes for that purpose i really turned of all distracted things and really worked with full focus and great motivation. I setted an alarm at 3:05 P.M.

During middle i took 2 minutes break and ate choclate biscuit. then again started working, and watch all the videos and did DIY activities aand quizes. i also enjoyed the videos of 3 idots movie. and finally completed my task in given time and alarm also rang at 3:30 P.M

As a reward i ate lays :)

Here is the image of My Completed task , i really found this technique usefull, i will use this technique in future to to complete my tasks when i am felling low. so that i can have energy and will complete my task.

Completed section

