Act of Kindness
“Love and kindness are never wasted
“Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people.
I did five act of kindness today, and that gave me happiness, here are the details of my 5 acts of kindness.
1) Gave Food to Birds:
When Allah has given us blessings in sense of Nourishment, it is our duty to take care of birds and animals too and seek the rewards from ALLAH. Because it is a great Act of Kindness. Allah says: Give to needy ones from which I has given You.
2) Give someone book they like:
My very dear friend Waqar, likes the poetry a lot. Specially the Poetry of John Eliya. So decided to gift a book to him. The book name is “Goya”. John Eliya .John eliya is one of the famous poet of Pakistan. By giving gifts, love increase and it is also an act of kindness.
3) Email or Write an Old Teacher:
When you find a good teacher, he guide you in right direction. So sending them gratitude is also an act of kindness. So I decided to say thanks to Sir Zahid, who guided me to help to get the Scholarship in Shanghai. I wrote him today and said thanks.
4) Made a Glass of Lassi for my Mother:
Our Mother works daily for us and has been working for us for many years, as an act of Kindness I decided today to make her a glass of lassi. So when I gave her this glass, she was very happy. :)
5) Write a Nice comment on your friend’s Blog:
As at Amal most of the fellows tried blog writing for the very first time. And if we appreciate them by commenting a good content, it will encourage them. So, I wrote a comment , one of my fellow at Amal Academy, her name is Aniqa.